Resources - ClinicNote

How can I help students understand electronic medical records?

Written by | Jul 30, 2024 4:36:50 PM

As university faculty, you want to train your students to be excellent healthcare providers. But many university programs often fail to teach students anything beyond the basics of using an electronic medical record (EMR).  

Without the proper electronic medical records training, students can face a steep learning curve during their clinical rotations and first years of practice. This may hinder their ability to provide quality patient care. 

While you may be currently implementing an EMR at your university clinic to train students, it is critical to address their concerns now, rather than leaving them to work through EMR issues later in their careers.. Here are five specific ways you can help equip university students with EMR skills and set them up for success.

1. Identify specific techniques to help students master EMR usage in their specific field.

While EMR basics are a great place to start, most students will specialize in a particular area of healthcare—whether that’s speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, or another discipline. Identifying specific ways to use EMR in your students' chosen specialty can help them use the software to its full potential. 

2. Train them to help maintain HIPAA compliance with their records. 

Students are likely aware that they need to hold patient information in strict confidence—however, HIPAA requirements and regulations can be overwhelming in addition to mastering electronic medical record software. Ensure that students know how to keep their data secure and in compliance with university and government regulations. 

3. Equip students with EMR troubleshooting techniques

Making mistakes is an inevitable part of student learning—but amid the complexity of electronic medical record documentation, even the most inquisitive students aren’t sure how to fix errors they may make in the process. Be sure to walk students through how to correct the most common mistakes, and equip them with troubleshooting strategies ahead of time so they can identify solutions on their own. 

4. Teach students to integrate electronic medical records with other systems. 

EMR systems aren’t the only software students will need to master before becoming a full-fledged healthcare provider. Ensure that students know how to use the data they’ve gathered to provide the most efficient care and communicate it out to other systems while being HIPAA compliant.

5. Identify ways students can be more efficient with data entry. 

Even if students learn the basics of electronic medical record programs, the sheer amount of data can be overwhelming for many who are new to medical documentation. While students should focus on accuracy over speed, identifying ways students can streamline the entry process can help them grow in confidence. 

  Need the best electronic medical record to train your students with? 

Easy to use and implement, ClinicNote’s electronic medical record solution is designed to streamline and simplify documentation and collaboration for students and teachers. 

Get a demo and see how ClinicNote can be your full-suite EMR solution designed for teaching and collaboration.