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5 Common Pitfalls of Typical EMR

Written by | Oct 10, 2024 4:18:04 PM

There’s no question that electronic medical records, or EMR, are the future of medical recordkeeping. Gone are the days of filing cabinets and manila folders—now, patient records are accessible with the click of a mouse or a tap of a touchscreen. 

However, just because something is high-tech doesn’t mean it’s always the best fit for your clinic—and many universities and small-medium clinics struggle to make their EMR work for them. 

Here are five common problems you might face with your current EMR (and what you can do about it).

1. Complicated Trainings

Whether you’re onboarding new students at the beginning of the semester or bringing a new employee into the fold at your clinic, learning a new EMR can often be a challenge. While every software has a learning curve, some EMR systems take months of practice before students and clinicians feel comfortable using them, leaving providers with less time to spend on patients. 


2. Privacy Concerns

There’s nothing more important than ensuring that your patients’ health data stays protected, especially in the age of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Digitizing information always brings the risk of cyberattacks and stolen information—and between human error and gaps in security, some EMR just aren’t built to stand up to your IT requirements. 


3. Complicated Display

An EMR might be able to do everything you need it to—but without a user-friendly interface once you log in, any time saved from paperwork is spent navigating through patient notes and reports trying to discern the necessary information. 


4. Lack of Customization Options

There are several established EMR platforms that serve a variety of healthcare settings, but many of them aren’t built for a small-medium or university clinics. 

Without options to customize, it can be challenging to make your EMR feel like a good fit.


5. Communication Issues

Whether communicating goals and benchmarks to your patients or collaborating with others, an EMR should facilitate a streamlined process from start to finish. However, some EMR can hinder the communication process and produce unnecessary barriers that prevent students from effectively learning how to document within the patient’s chart. 

So what's the solution?

These problems may just seem like part of the deal when it comes to an EMR for your university or small-medium clinic—but what if there was a software solution out there that was streamlined, simplified, AND affordable? 

With ClinicNote's streamlined EMR, you can experience: 

  • Easy onboarding and training—most people can nail the basics after a brief one-hour virtual training.
  • Security features that can stand up to the toughest IT requirements. 
  • A streamlined display that’s simple (and even fun!) to use, with options to build custom forms and features. 
  • Collaboration that’s easier than ever.

Ready to take the next step?

Work with ClinicNote and get the streamlined, simplified, efficient EMR you’ve been searching for. 


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